What You Need to Know About Filing a Property Tax Appeal

If your property taxes are too high, it may be because your property has been given an unreasonable assessment (not comparable to the market value). The law assumes that your current assessment is correct. Therefore, for your property tax appeal to be successful, you will have to get this presumption changed. If you are an individual, you can choose to defend yourself in the case. However, for corporations and other legal entities, the law requires the defense through property attorneys when filing a property tax appeal.
A property tax appeal can be messy, involving complex procedures and regulations. Your appeal will have to be persuasive and the evidence that you present must be credible. Therefore, it is best to get a property tax attorney to represent you.
If you want to learn more about filing a property tax appeal in Missouri or if you would like a personalized consultation and review of your property tax appeal, please contact the property and eminent domain lawyers at The Wallach Law Firm.
Things to Keep in Mind When Filing a Property Tax Appeal
Missouri State Law allows any property owner the right to make a property tax appeal if they believe that their property taxes are unfairly high. However, before doing so, there are some conditions that should be fulfilled and procedures that should be followed.
Where to File a Property Tax Appeal
For instance, you must first make your appeal to your County Board of Equalization. The Board of Equalization (or the BOE) is a statutory body. The members of the board are appointed by the County executive for three-year terms. Property owners who disagree with the value that the County Assessor has assigned to their properties can request and file appeal forms with the BOE. In some places, property tax appeals can be filed online.
If the judgment given by the Board of Equalization is not favorable to you, you may then choose to appeal to the State Tax Commission of Missouri.
Deadlines for Filing a Property Tax Appeal
It is important to note that there is a deadline for filing a property tax appeal, which is determined by the state law and your appeal must be within this deadline. Your local BOE or a property tax attorney will be able to tell you what the specific deadlines are that you must follow.
Submitting Proper Documentation when Filing a Property Tax Appeal
When you submit your appeal form, you will also have to provide proper documentation that supports your opinion. A property tax attorney can help you understand what constitutes as proper documentation.
Contact The Wallach Law Firm to Learn More About Filing a Property Tax Appeal
The Wallach Law Firm has successfully represented many clients in property tax appeal cases. We will analyze your individual circumstances and apply our years of experience handling real estate property taxes and real estate law to deliver practical solutions. We can handle property tax appeals before your Board of Equalization and even the State Tax Commission of Missouri.
To learn more about the process of property tax appeal or how The Wallach Law Firm can help you, please contact us at 314-997-4050 or contact our law firm online.